Les assouplissements du cheval
Guillame Henry
- €13,00
Indispensable à tous les cavaliers, ce livre est un complément des manuels d'équitation. Ecrit par un moniteur, sous langage clair et...
Les assouplissements du cheval
Guillame Henry
Indispensable à tous les cavaliers, ce livre est un complément des manuels d'équitation. Ecrit par un moniteur, sous langage clair et...
Kelly Marks
Using the methods practised so successfully on her Intelligent Horsemanship courses, Kelly Marks helps the reader to overcome two of...
Marie-Cristine Duroy, Virginie Bruneau
Cet ouvrage facile à lire et abondemment illustré, est destiné à tous ceux qui se posent des questions sur la...
Virginie Bruneau
Ce livre s'adresse à tous les cavaliers qui cherchent une méthode simple pour se préparer et s'améliorer à l'obstacle, y...
Tony Webber
Gymkhanas and Rally Games is essential reading for competitors and organisers alike. There are chapters on running a gymkhana or...
Jane Kidd
Looking back over 21 years of dressage at Goodwood House, Sussex, Jane Kidd casts an expert eye over the winners,...
Horse theft prevention handbook
J.Amelia Donald
Industry experts estimate that as many as 40,000 horses and ponies are stolen in the United States annually. Learn why...
Tony Webber
This is a comprehensive guide to organizing a gymkhana. It includes: the types of games; equipment; judging; and line stewarding....
Nancy Bowker
The 19th century was a time of brutality in the world of horse training both in England and America. Many...
a cura di Vincenzo Guarracino e Omar Pirrera
Nel Medioevo un’elite aristocratica di guerrieri afferma il proprio ruolo sociale e la forza dei proprio valori (lealtà, prodrzza, altruismo,...