part 3: lateral work as a key to success
Rudolf Zeilinger
- €15,00
Motivated and supple horses up to Grand Prix level - for Rudolf Zeilinger, lateral work is an essential element in...
Rudolf Zeilinger
Motivated and supple horses up to Grand Prix level - for Rudolf Zeilinger, lateral work is an essential element in...
Rudolf Zeilinger
The counter canter and flying changes are the main aspects dealt with in part 4 of this film series "Schooling...
Wilfried Gehrmann
An instructional vhs with Wilfried Gerhmann, Director of the Rhineland Riding and Driving School, Germany, on the use of the...
Reiner Klimke
The Grand Prix Special is very exacting for the both the rider and the horse. Vitality, expression, ease, harmony and...
Reiner Klimke
The Grand Prix de Dressage is the final step of the training of a dressage horse. Piaffe and passage including...
Reiner Klimke
At the age of 7 to 8 we find the last educational step before the Grand Prix of dressage. We...
Reiner Klimke
At the age about 7 the dressage horse should gradually reach the next educational step without any arm to the...
Reiner Klimke
At the age of 6 to 7 the correctly trained horse of dressage reaches the S category. Step by step...
Lara Villata
Lara Villata, pluricampionessa di completo che in curriculum ha anche partecipazioni mondiali ed olimpiche, ci insegna ad affrontare le difficoltà...
Fiumi e laghi del nord - Trekking a cavallo
Loredana Ierna
Tre itinerari ci vengono proposti in questa videocassetta: Orzinuovi in provincia di Brescia immersi nella bellezza del fiume Oglio; Colà...